Theme night: Mobile Linux

by vimja on 2025-01-11

We invite you to the third theme night! This time, we are going to talk about mobile Linux:

  • Date: Thursday, 30st of January 2025
  • Time: Starting 19:30, doors open at 19:00
  • Place: At our Hackerspace (Zwyssigstrasse 45 in 3007 Bern)

After a brief introduction to the topic, there will be some Lightning Talks. These are short presentations with a maximum duration of 5 minutes. After a break, we want to approach the topic further in a discussion round. In addition, we will have various devices related to the topic on site, so that participants can try out different mobile Linux systems themselves.

The theme nights are an open format to which everyone is invited.

On the subject

Mobile Linux is a collective term for various Linux distributions and software components designed for use on mobile devices. Mobile devices, in this context, means smartphones and tablet computers. Examples include the Linux distributions Ubuntu Touch or PostmarketOS. There are also commercial operation systems too, like SailfishOS or manufacturer-specific solutions like PureOS from Librem.

Additionally, various user interfaces are being developed in the community that are optimized for use on such devices. These include Phosh and Plasma Mobile, or the Ubuntu-tailored Unity.

Another interesting aspect is the hardware. Typically, Linux distributions cannot be installed on just any smartphone without issues. The selection of compatible and fully supported devices is limited. However, in recent years, there has been a trend where small manufacturers are building special smartphones custom made for use with mobile Linux distributions.

We want to give participants the opportunity for hands-on experience and will try to have as many compatible devices and distributions on-site as possible.

Call for participation

If you also want to give a lightning talk, you don't need to do anything except prepare your slides / documents. Registration is not required. However, we ask you to keep your talk short (approx. 5 minutes).

If you have a mobile Linux system yourself and can bring it along, we would be thankful. This way, we can present a wide range of devices to the participants.