Announcement: Series of presentations in 2024 / 2025
In October, we will start a series of presentation. These will take place on the second Thursday of each month and start at 19:30 h.
As usual, the events will be public. Non members are very much welcome.
As of now, we have the following 5 dates confirmed:
- Thursday, 10th of October 2024: René 'Resmo' Moser on Ansible (de)
- Thursday, 14th of November 2024: Benedikt Trefzer with "mit bääbele automatisiere" (de)
- Thursday, 12th of December 2024: Andry 'Unlock' Joos of Echtzeit - Digitale Kultur with "Demonights 18: Lebendige Demoszene" (de)
- The presentation will be the opening for Demonights 018, an open demoscene meet up.
- Thursday, 9th of January 2025: Oliver 'glow' Schmidhauser with "Termux - Not just a terminal emulator for your Android." (en)
- Thursday, 13th of February 2025: Lorenz 'znerol' Schori with "Langweilige IP Router mit Linux" (de)
Further information on each talk will be provided in the coming months. Keep an eye out on the the usual channels of communication.
If you have a subject that you would like to present, let us know via e-mail to info at chaostreffbern dot ch.